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75 Day Hard Challenge


Updated: Sep 16, 2023

How my challenge went and what I have learned a long the way.

I have now started a Discord to keep everyone thoroughly informed, answer questions, and share my experience. If you would like to be apart of the team, whether you are trying the challenge or not, click here.

Day 1:

Wake Up: 6:00 AM

When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water

Work-Out #1: 6:30-7:15 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.)

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times)

Breakfast: 7:30-8:00 AM
Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies! Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Workout #2: 6:30-7:15 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk: walk 5 minutes, 10 Squat Lunges, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Burp

Stretch Again! >10 Minutes

Dinner: 7:30-8:30 PM

Do not eat later than 9 PM. Put phone away and wind down for bed

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

Day 2:

Wake Up: 6:00 AM

When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water. Today, I also took the time to light incense and cleanse my space. This boosted my confidence and calmed my mind. Lastly, I did not wake up with music playing and allowed my mind to be clear.

Work-Out #1: 6:30-7:15 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups, Burpees, High-Knees

(If you are not able to add these each time, feel free to keep it simple; do this at you own pace and comfort level)

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.)

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Once complete, take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times) After I was done in my shower, I took the extra time to dance in the mirror while brushing my teeth and washing my face, before dressing. This allowed me to feel more confident in the body I was creating. I also took the time after to write my daily affirmations!

Breakfast: 8:00-8:30 AM

Refill water (I added lemon, honey, ginger, and extra ice).

Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies. Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Workout #2: 6:30-7:15 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk: walk 5 minutes, 10 Squat Lunges, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Burp

Stretch Again! >10 Minutes

Dinner: 7:30-8:30 PM

Do not eat later than 9 PM. Put phone away and wind down for bed.

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

Day 3:

Wake Up: 5:00 AM

I was so excited to finally be back on track with my sleep schedule! Since I was a child, I have always been one to wake up early, make breakfast, and go about my day.

When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water. During this time, I have also started cutting my phone hours. No social media, no texts, no music. If I need my phone, it is for the workout timer and clock only.

Work-Out #1: 6:15-7:00 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups, Bulgarian Squats, Fire Hydrant Kicks (hold 3 seconds)

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.)

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times)

I've thrown a new hair care and skin care routine that allows my hair to be loosely up while I work-out, shower, and is easily manageable (even if I do not wash it).

Breakfast: 8:00 AM

I make sure to eat breakfast after I work out and drink water to ensure I stay hydrated!

Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies!

Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Workout #2: 6:30-7:15 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk: walk 5 minutes, 10 Squat Lunges, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Burp

Stretch Again! >10 Minutes

Dinner: 7:30-8:30 PM

Do not eat later than 9 PM. Put phone away and wind down for bed

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

Day 4:

Wake Up: 7:00 AM

I know, I know... I was back on track with my sleep schedule, but hey, it's the weekend! When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water. Keep in mind, do not use cell phone for anything other than alarms, replying to urgent texts ONLY, and counting steps (if you take your outdoor walk in the morning). No social media, no music, no distractions. If I need my phone, it is for the workout timer and clock only.

Work-Out #1: 7:15-8:00 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups, Bulgarian Squats, Fire Hydrant Kicks (hold 3 seconds), Jumping Jacks

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.)

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times)

I've thrown a new hair care and skin care routine that allows my hair to be loosely up while I work-out, shower, and is easily manageable (even if I do not wash it).

Breakfast: 8:30-9:00 AM

I make sure to eat breakfast after I work out and drink water to ensure I stay hydrated!

Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies!

Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Nap: 3:30-4:00 PM

While it is not necessary to take a nap, I have anemia and irregular blood sugar levels. By taking a nap, I am giving myself rest to recover from the physical and mental activities of the day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Workout #2: 6:30-7:15 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk: walk 5 minutes, 10 Squat Lunges, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Burp

Stretch Again! >10 Minutes

Dinner: 7:30-8:30 PM

Do not eat later than 9 PM. Put phone away and wind down for bed

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

Day 5:

Wake Up: 5:00 AM

It's Sunday, so I have to stay on track. When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water. Keep in mind, do not use cell phone for anything other than alarms, replying to urgent texts ONLY, and counting steps (if you take your outdoor walk in the morning). No social media, no music, no distractions. If I need my phone, it is for the workout timer and clock only. Since I had some time before I was set to start my workout, I took that time to plan next weeks workout. What areas would I like to see more improvement? What are my goals for next week?

Work-Out #1: 6:15-7:00 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups, Bulgarian Squats, Fire Hydrant Kicks (hold 3 seconds), Jumping Jacks, Burpee Plank Holds (5 seconds)

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.), Boat Pose

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times)

I've thrown a new hair care and skin care routine that allows my hair to be loosely up while I work-out, shower, and is easily manageable (even if I do not wash it).

Breakfast: 7:30-8:00 AM

I make sure to eat breakfast after I work out and drink water to ensure I stay hydrated!

Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies!

Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Nap: 3:30-4:00 PM

While it is not necessary to take a nap, I have anemia and irregular blood sugar levels. By taking a nap, I am giving myself rest to recover from the physical and mental activities of the day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Dinner: 5:30-6:30 PM

Did you notice something different? I switched my meal time to eat before I work out. By doing this, I can come inside, get cleaned up, and go about my night. Plus it makes settling in after my workout so much easier. Remember to eat no later than 9 PM. Put phone away! Do not whip back out unless for emergencies, urgent work, counting steps (if that's your thing), or self care/journaling.

Workout #2: 7:00-7:45 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk: walk 5 minutes, 10 Squat Lunges, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Burpees

Stretch Again! >10 Minutes

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

Day 6:

Wake Up: 5:00 AM

It's Monday, so new week new workout! When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water. Keep in mind, do not use cell phone for anything other than alarms, replying to urgent texts ONLY, and counting steps (if you take your outdoor walk in the morning). No social media, no music, no distractions. If I need my phone, it is for the workout timer and clock only. Since I had some time before I was set to start my workout, I took that time to plan next weeks workout.

Work-Out #1: 6:15-7:00 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups, Bulgarian Squats, Fire Hydrant Kicks (hold 3 seconds), Jumping Jacks, Burpee Plank Holds (5 seconds), Russian Twist (w/ weights), Boat Rows (w/ weights)

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.), Boat Pose, Butterfly Kicks, Diamond Up & Down Position (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down)

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times)

I've thrown a new hair care and skin care routine that allows my hair to be loosely up while I work-out, shower, and is easily manageable (even if I do not wash it).

Breakfast: 7:30-8:00 AM

I make sure to eat breakfast after I work out and drink water to ensure I stay hydrated!

Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies!

Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Nap: 3:30-4:00 PM

While it is not necessary to take a nap, I have anemia and irregular blood sugar levels. By taking a nap, I am giving myself rest to recover from the physical and mental activities of the day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Dinner: 5:30-6:30 PM

Do not eat later than 9 PM. Put phone away! Do not whip back out unless for emergencies, urgent work, or self care/journaling.

Workout #2: 7:00-7:45 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk (changes coming)

5 minute walk, 10 pushups, 10 lunge squats, 10 curl-ups, 5 minute walk, 5 minute walk

(repeat till fail or out of time)

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

Day 7:

Wake Up: 5:00 AM

When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water. Keep in mind, do not use cell phone for anything other than alarms, replying to urgent texts ONLY, and counting steps (if you take your outdoor walk in the morning). No social media, no music, no distractions. If I need my phone, it is for the workout timer and clock only.

Work-Out #1: 6:15-7:00 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups, Bulgarian Squats, Fire Hydrant Kicks (hold 3 seconds), Jumping Jacks, Burpee Plank Holds (5 seconds), Russian Twist (w/ weights), Boat Rows (w/ weights)

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.), Boat Pose, Butterfly Kicks, Diamond Up & Down Position (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down)

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times)

I've thrown a new hair care and skin care routine that allows my hair to be loosely up while I work-out, shower, and is easily manageable (even if I do not wash it).

Breakfast: 7:30-8:00 AM

I make sure to eat breakfast after I work out and drink water to ensure I stay hydrated!

Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies!

Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Nap: 3:30-4:00 PM

While it is not necessary to take a nap, I have anemia and irregular blood sugar levels. By taking a nap, I am giving myself rest to recover from the physical and mental activities of the day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Dinner: 5:30-6:30 PM

Do not eat later than 9 PM. Put phone away! Do not whip back out unless for emergencies, urgent work, or self care/journaling.

Workout #2: 7:00-7:45 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk (changes coming)

5 minute walk, 10 pushups, 10 lunge squats, 10 curl-ups, 5 minute walk, 5 minute walk

(repeat till fail or out of time)

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

Week 1 Analysis:

- Sleep Schedule
* Needs 6-8 hours sleep at night
* Save time for 30 minute power nap
- Food
* 3 high protein days a week
* 1 Superfood day (Greens, Fruits, etc.)
* 1 Cheat day, no extra sugar, no alcohol
* Eat breakfast After workouts and leave >30 min between for digestion; be sure to drink
plenty of water before, during, and after to ensure 1Gal consumption and avoid overeating.
- Workout
* The first week was conditioning and endurance, so make sure you complete your reps.
Even if you wanted to start smaller (less reps), if you have a goal, attain it
* Starting next week, Monday, incorporate new goals and workouts to routine
* Wednesday & Friday are now max-out days or till fail days (see day 6)
- Goals by day 17 (Next Friday, August 22nd '23)
* Unsupported 3 sec L-Pose
* Headstand to Scorpion
* 20 consecutive Diamond Push-Ups

Day 8:

Wake Up: 5:00 AM

When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water. Keep in mind, do not use cell phone for anything other than alarms, replying to urgent texts ONLY, and counting steps (if you take your outdoor walk in the morning). No social media, no music, no distractions. If I need my phone, it is for the workout timer and clock only. I also got new journals! I will now have separate spaces to plan my workouts, track my posting and keep a schedule, and even a separate journal for inner child healing.

Work-Out #1: 6:15-7:00 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups, Bulgarian Squats, Fire Hydrant Kicks (hold 3 seconds), Jumping Jacks, Burpee Plank Holds (5 seconds), Russian Twist (w/ weights), Boat Rows (w/ weights)

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.), Boat Pose, Butterfly Kicks, Diamond Up & Down Position (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down)

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times)

I've thrown a new hair care and skin care routine that allows my hair to be loosely up while I work-out, shower, and is easily manageable (even if I do not wash it).

Breakfast: 7:30-8:00 AM

I make sure to eat breakfast after I work out and drink water to ensure I stay hydrated!

Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies!

Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Nap: 3:30-4:00 PM

While it is not necessary to take a nap, I have anemia and irregular blood sugar levels. By taking a nap, I am giving myself rest to recover from the physical and mental activities of the day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Dinner: 5:30-6:30 PM

Do not eat later than 9 PM. Put phone away! Do not whip back out unless for emergencies, urgent work, or self care/journaling.

Workout #2: 7:00-7:45 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk

It rained today really hard, so instead of taking a walk, I did some stretches, dancing, and yoga instead. It really was refreshing to have weeks of 80-100 degree weather followed by a rain/thunderstorm.

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

Day 9:

Wake Up: 5:00 AM

When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water. Keep in mind, do not use cell phone for anything other than alarms, replying to urgent texts ONLY, and counting steps (if you take your outdoor walk in the morning). No social media, no music, no distractions. If I need my phone, it is for the workout timer and clock only. Honestly today was one of the worst days in terms of motivation, however, do even when you're tired; show up for yourself! You can do it!

Work-Out #1: 6:15-7:00 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups, Bulgarian Squats, Fire Hydrant Kicks (hold 3 seconds), Jumping Jacks, Burpee Plank Holds (5 seconds), Russian Twist (w/ weights), Boat Rows (w/ weights)

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.), Boat Pose, Butterfly Kicks, Diamond Up & Down Position (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down)

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times)

I've thrown a new hair care and skin care routine that allows my hair to be loosely up while I work-out, shower, and is easily manageable (even if I do not wash it).

Breakfast: 7:30-8:00 AM

I make sure to eat breakfast after I work out and drink water to ensure I stay hydrated!

Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies!

Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Nap: 3:30-4:00 PM

While it is not necessary to take a nap, I have anemia and irregular blood sugar levels. By taking a nap, I am giving myself rest to recover from the physical and mental activities of the day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Dinner: 5:30-6:30 PM

Do not eat later than 9 PM. Put phone away! Do not whip back out unless for emergencies, urgent work, or self care/journaling.

Workout #2: 7:00-7:45 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk

The awaited change: Since my schedule will be changing, I will just be doing my walk and walking a total of 3 miles.

(repeat till fail or out of time)

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

Day 10:

Wake Up: 5:00 AM

I can't believe I am finally in the double digits! So proud of my progress as well! When I woke up, I made my coffee, made the bed, and filled my water. Keep in mind, do not use cell phone for anything other than alarms, replying to urgent texts ONLY, and counting steps (if you take your outdoor walk in the morning). No social media, no music, no distractions. If I need my phone, it is for the workout timer and clock only.

Work-Out #1: 6:15-7:00 AM

Stretch First! >10 minutes

  • 3 sets of 10

Push-ups, Diamond Pushups, Squats, Mountain Climbers (ex10 each leg), Lounges, Plank Walk Push-up, Curl-Ups, Bulgarian Squats, Fire Hydrant Kicks (hold 3 seconds), Jumping Jacks, Burpee Plank Holds (5 seconds), Russian Twist (w/ weights), Boat Rows (w/ weights)

  • 3 set holds for 10 seconds

Plank, (supported) Handstand, Frog Pose, L-Sit, Wall Sits, One-Leg Wall Sit (a.l.a.p.), Boat Pose, Butterfly Kicks, Diamond Up & Down Position (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down)

Stretch Again! >10 minutes

Feel free to take water breaks! Stay standing and take deep breaths.

Take a cold shower and continue day! (This can be done before work; adjust times)

I've thrown a new hair care and skin care routine that allows my hair to be loosely up while I work-out, shower, and is easily manageable (even if I do not wash it).

Breakfast: 7:30-8:00 AM

I make sure to eat breakfast after I work out and drink water to ensure I stay hydrated!

Lunch: 11:30 AM-12PM

Be sure to include protein, carbs, and fruits/veggies!

Refill your water (if under 1G) and, after eating lunch, you may now check social media, texts, etc. After, complete work and continue day.

Nap: 3:30-4:00 PM

While it is not necessary to take a nap, I have anemia and irregular blood sugar levels. By taking a nap, I am giving myself rest to recover from the physical and mental activities of the day.

Read: 4:00-4:30 PM

Take the time to read, meditate, or study

Dinner: 5:30-6:30 PM

Do not eat later than 9 PM. Put phone away! Do not whip back out unless for emergencies, urgent work, or self care/journaling.

Workout #2: 7:00-7:45 PM

Stretch First! >10 Minutes

For the outdoor workout. (These can be interchangeable)

45 Minute walk (changes coming)

5 minute walk, 10 pushups, 10 lunge squats, 10 curl-ups, 5 minute walk, 5 minute walk

(repeat till fail or out of time)

Rest: 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

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